Modernization of milk plant

United Milk Company groups a number of privatised dairy production and distribution facilities.
With the introduction of the new shareholder, Global Finance, it has been decided to modernise one of the production plants in order to increase the capacity, improve the efficiency and quality, and start franchising activities with a partner, Yoplait.
Before construction start, Plovdiv plant produced about 40 tons per day, 6 days a week. The target capacitywas 120 tons per day. The reconstruction of the plant consisted of several important modernisations (replacements), as well as the installation of new equipment.
The reconstructed plant had to be in operation by the end of 2004 and thereconstruction had to be realised without interfering with the ongoing production. A significant part of the work was performed during the weekly downtime of one day. It was considered that the production can occasionally be stopped during the week for a period of maximum 48 hours.
Principal project data
Reconstruction of plant in order to achieve production increase from 40 tons per day to 120 tons per day.
Scope IPS
- Part of detailed process engineering and detailed civil engineering
- Procurement
- Support for SAPARD application
- Time and Budget tracking
- Quality/ quantity control
- Cold test of the process (water)
- Hot test of the process (milk)
- Supervision and check of deliveries
IPS operational unit(s)
- IPS Bulgaria Ltd.