
Juan Sanchez Chatar
E: juan.sanchez@group-ips.com
T: +34 637 569 360
Address Madrid
IPS Spain
Lopez de Hoyos 350
28043 Madrid
T: +34 91 523 32 53
Address Barcelona
IPS Spain
Calle Pujades, 51-55 3ª planta escalera B
BOX 36
08005 Barcelona
T: +34 93 757 80 18
Tax Number
IPS Spain
IPS Spain is a subsidiary created in 2004 as hub for Spain, Portugal, North-Africa and South-America. IPS Spain counts two offices, one in Madrid and the other one in Barcelona. Madrid office is a modern and industrial design in the very heart of Madrid.
Barcelona office is located in the 22@ district, also known as Technological district, being a fantastic location for its modernity and dynamism very well connected by all types of transport, both public and private, and very close to other areas of interest of Barcelona such as the beach area and the city center.
IPS Spain has developed multiple national and international industrial projects in Pharmacy, Food, Chemical, Automotive and Steel field as well as Hotels, Offices, or Real Estate.
Moreover, IPS Spain full geographical mobility, combined with our multidisciplinary team allows us covering a complete range of services for our customers from feasibility studies to commissioning.
In November 2014, IPS Spain received an award for the best International Project by AEDIP (the Spanish Project Management Association_ www.aedip.org).