
Security Gate
Procter and Gamble Spain, Spain, 02/2013 - 06/2013

P&G is the world's largest and most profitable consumer products company, with nearly $84 billion in sales and 25 billion-dollar brands. P&G has a big market capitalization, greater than the GDP of many countries, and they market their products in more than 180 countries.
The project goal was to rebuild the security gate entry, improve the image of the plant, create a comfortable workspace for the security staff and place for transporters with lounge and meeting room.
Principal project data
New Security Gate
Scope IPS
Project Feasibility
Project Preparation
- Extended Basic Engineering
- Permiting
- Procurement
- Project Planning
- Layout
Project Realization
- Project Manajement
- Detailed Engineering
- Construction Management
- Cost Control
- Procurement
- Time Schedule
IPS operational unit(s)
- IPS Spain sa