
Engineering support
PepsiCo, Belgium, 01/2012 - 01/2015

PepsiCo is the second largest food & beverages enterprise in the world with about 300.000 employees. Their portfolio comprises of brands likeTropicana, Pepsi, 7up, lays and buggles.
The engineering/ project department of Zeebrugge have several main tasks:
- implementation of new products
- adjustment of production principles according to changed regulations
- changes to lines to allow new shapes and sizes of bottles, elopaks, labels, boxes, shrink wraps etc.
- implementation of changes imposed by marketing
- environmental, sustainability, safety and productivity projects
- office refurbishment
IPS supported and continues to support the engineering/ project department according to the needs of the client PepsiCo since January 2012.
Principal project data
Support of engineering/ project department in Zeebrugge, e.g. with following tasks:
- server upgrade
- temporary offices
- new tank cleaning nozzles
- office refurbishment
- alarm centralization
- floor renewal
- locker room extension
Scope IPS
Project Preparation
Project Realisation
IPS operational unit(s)
- IPS Belgium sa