Air Conditioning System Hotel Berlin

Implementation of a air conditioning system in the Hotel Gat Point Charlie in Berlin
IPS was involved in the recostruction of the hotel back in 2019-2010. At that time the installation of an air conditioning system was discarted due to budgetary reasons.
In 2015 GAT contacted IPS again for the design and preparation of the project for implementig the air conditioning system.
Two different types of systems were analysed and compared, an VRV system and a conventional system with chillers and fan coils. The owner selected the first option and IPS invited 5 companies to the procurement process. The implementation had to be carried out in the working time of the hotel avoiding and interruption in its functioning.
Finally a contract was negotiated with one of the companies.
Principal project data
Surface: 6.500m2
Budget :700.000€
Scope IPS
Project preparation:
- AC System Design
- Budget estimation
- Time Schedule
- Procurement of contractors
IPS operational unit(s)
- IPS Spain sa