
Improvement of Quality
Besins Healthcare Manufacturing, Belgium, 2009

Besins Healthcare is a pharmaceutical company that specialized in the development and worldwide diffusion of innovative drugs and food supplements for the well-being of men and women throughout life.
Besins Healthcare has its own manufacturing facilities that specializes in the production of innovative products in the fields of gynaecology, fertility & obstetrics, mens health and nutrition.
In this project, a state of the validation of equipment and methods at the QC (Quality Control) laboratory has been established to prioritize the items to be validated and to develop an action plan for validation.
Principal project data
Quality Improvement
- Retrospective validation
- Validation of methods
- Risk analysis
Scope IPS
Project Preparation
- Project management
- Inventory of the laboratory
- Risk analysis to prioritize the equipment to validate
- Retrospective Validation of equipment
- Challange of analytical methods used in the QC laboratory
- Creation of templates for validation
IPS operational unit(s)
- IPS Belgium sa