Lime Plant Syktyvkar

Carmeuse is a leading global producer of lime, high calcium limestone and dolomitic stone dedicated to many different uses. Related products are used in steel and glass production, building materials, plastics, paints and water treatment. Carmeuse are present in about 90 plants across the world.
The IPS GmbH realised, in cooperation with IWP GmbH, a new lime plant in Syktyvkar, about 1.200 km northeast of
Moscow. Main equipment that are installed include: belt conveyor system, screening and crushing machines, kiln, bins for
lime stone and quick lime, dedusting equipment and filters. Additionally, a workshop, an office and an administration builing
have been constructed.
Principal project data
Realisation of a new lime plant in exchange of an existing lime kilns.
- Capacity 250t/d
- Basic material 500t/d lime stone, 40-80mm
- New bays of 1.965 m²
Scope IPS
Project Preparation
- Detailed layout and layout coordination
- Detailed time Schedule
- Permitting (management)
- Procurement / contracting
Project Realisation
- Project coordination, administration and quality
- Time schedule
- Budget tracking
- Site & Safety Management
IPS operational unit(s)
- IPS Germany GmbH